Does Corona disappear and return in 2030!

Does Corona disappear and return in 2030!

Silvia Brown predicted the virus in 2008

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Brown, who left our world in 2013, wrote a prophecy that might be terrifying for some in which she expected that “by 2020, acute pneumonia that will attack the lungs and trachea, and encompass all the globe, resist all known medical treatments and will disappear quickly as it appears quickly” .
This was the half of the prophecy, which Brown published in her book “The End of Days”, but the other half of the prophecy, which seems frightening, “This disease will return to the ball again after ten years, but it will disappear completely after it.”
According to The Independent, the sales of this book, published in 2008, increased with the current Corona crisis, while Newsweek said it was “ranked among the top ten bestselling books in America and England”, while American actress Kim Kardashian entered the prophecy line saying that her sister sent It has a picture of the page that contains the prophecy of Brown, then this book will make the headlines.
But Benjamin Radfour, one of the officials at the British Bureau of Investigation, rejected that prophecy saying, “Covid 19 is a disease similar to pneumonia, although in some cases it can lead to pneumonia, and most people with Covid 19 (approximately 80 percent) suffer from symptoms.” Mild and recover well, and the death rate ranges between 2 percent and 4 percent. ”Radford added,“ The second wrong sentence in this prophecy is that Covid 19 will disappear as quickly as it came quickly. ”
Given that the astrologers lied, even coincidentally, did Barawan coincide and believe in the second part of her prophecy so that the new Corona virus would return to the ball in the attack in 2030?

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