Kuwait briefed on American Guidelines in dealing with intensive care cases – ARAB TIMES

Dr. Qais Albaghli, is a Kuwaiti physician, graduated from Kuwait University Medical School. He also did his Master Degree in Medical Nutrition Sciences at Boston University Medical School. He is currently doing his PhD in Health Professions Leadership at Seton Hall University in New Jersey, USA.
He did multiple zoom meetings to connect Kuwaiti physicians working in critical care units with American physicians working in top New York Hospitals. 

Dr. Qais Albaghli

Dr. Albaghli happens to live in New York, which has the largest number of COVID-19 cases, where physicians in New York are expert in managing severe cases, he decided to collaborate with American physicians to transmit best guidelines of managing critical COVID-19 cases to Kuwaiti physicians.

Additionally, Dr. Albaghli arranged another zoom meeting connecting a private American consultancy company with the government of Kuwait, to help the government to re-open Kuwait according to the American guidelines.

Dr. Albaghli in zoom meeting with a private American consultancy company

The Minister of Health in Kuwait appreciates the effort done by Dr. Albaghli, and he was so supportive.

Dr. Albaghli contacted the Ambassador of Kuwait in Washington D.C. and he appreciated his efforts. The head of the Kuwaiti Health Office in Washington D.C. was invited, and attended the virtual meeting.

This is an example of how Kuwaiti individuals around the world would do their best to help their country during the pandemic.

Dr. Albaghli concluded: I would thank every individuals in the frontlines who sacrificed their lives to protect Kuwait”