Elderly man successfully rescued from grain bin in Tennessee

Elderly man successfully rescued from grain bin in Tennessee

Grain bin in Henryville.

LOS ANGELES, Dec 4, (Agencies): Earlier this week, an elderly man was successfully rescued from a grain bin in Tennessee, thanks to the coordinated efforts of various local departments. The incident occurred on Henryville Road in Henryville around 2:15 pm local time, prompting a quick response from crews following a report about a 70-year-old man trapped inside the grain bin.

Chief Nathan Keeton of the Ethridge Fire Department provided details in a news release, explaining that the man was accompanied by his sons during the incident. Upon arrival, rescue teams found the elderly man stuck near the middle of the bin, with approximately “90% entrapped in the corn.”

First responders offered immediate medical assistance before employing a strategic rescue approach. Crews ascended to the top of the bin and used tools to create an opening, allowing them to reach the victim. A vacuum truck played a crucial role in the operation by removing corn from the bin, facilitating the patient's extraction through the access door.

Remarkably, the man remained “awake” and “alert” after the ordeal, reporting no serious injuries, as confirmed by Lawrence County EMS. Chief Keeton commended the exceptional teamwork and training exhibited by the responding crews, emphasizing their vital role in the successful rescue mission.

The post Elderly man successfully rescued from grain bin in Tennessee first appeared on ARAB TIMES – KUWAIT NEWS.