Warning against falling into the abyss of obscenity

Warning against falling into the abyss of obscenity

KUWAIT CITY, Jan 18: The Director of the Center for Promoting Moderation Dr. Abdullah Al-Sharika issued a press statement to warn Kuwaiti society against falling into the swamp of obscenity, slander, and foolishness that is widespread on social media. He said the posts published in series, programs, and social media sites do not reflect the true image of Kuwaiti society, or Kuwaiti girls and women.

Dr. Al-Sharika said, “Yes, we are not an angelic society. We have shortcomings and defects, but what prevails is good, praise be to Almighty Allah. “The majority of Kuwaiti girls are like gold in their religion, morals, dignity, and etiquette. They cannot be generalized based on a few bad apples. “A person in our days goes through a great struggle in the soul to prevent it from being carried away by foolishness and naivety in search of fame or fleeting benefit.”

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs devoted its sermon on Friday to warning about the dangers of social media. The text of the sermon includes the following – “Among the great blessings of Almighty Allah upon us are these machines and programs that are in our hands. They have made lives easier for people, as it is something that the Almighty has made available to us and made for our service.” The message that used to take a month on a camel to reach now arrives in a few hours. The message that used to take days and weeks to reach the person to whom it was sent now arrives in a few minutes. Among those means that were witnessed in this era is the so-called social media, which is both very useful and also very harmful at the same time. Its benefits and harm depend on its users.

Many people have used social media for spreading goodness, calling to the truth, conveying truthful news, exchanging useful information, connecting relatives, and communicating with friends until this type of person became a preacher to the Almighty through passages, letters, writings, and messages created for this noble purpose.

On the other hand, some others misused it by making it a vehicle for spreading vices and using it as a means of broadcasting false news, transmitting false information, exchanging criminal clips and websites, transmitting scandalous pictures and forbidden competitions, and spreading obscenity, reprehensibleness, and evil among people. These programs contain a lot of goodness and abundant knowledge, but using them in compliance with the rules of religion and morals may bring great evil to their owner.

Everything that a person’s hand traces or his eye sees, or the tongue utters, will be subjected to accountability. One of the most widespread evils of modern means of communication is the ease of spreading rumors and transmitting false news and information, to the extent that this matter has become a danger threatening the security of countries and the stability of societies.

By Abdel Nasser Al-Islami
Al-Seyassah/Arab Times Staff

The post Warning against falling into the abyss of obscenity first appeared on ARAB TIMES – KUWAIT NEWS.

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