The Movie Quote You NEED To Hear

The Movie Quote You NEED To Hear


These quotes from "You’re Not the Smartest, You’re Not the Coolest, You’re Not the Best Looking…" celebrate the unique qualities that make an individual truly special. The speaker emphasizes that we all have something that sets us apart and makes us desirable, even if we may not acknowledge or understand it. This introspection encourages us to tap into our inner strengths and self-awareness.

You’ve Got Something That Attracts People

The phrase "You’ve got something that attracts people" acknowledges the distinct qualities that draw others to us. These can be traits, habits, interests, or even quirks that set us apart from others. This "something" doesn’t necessarily need to be physically attractive or intellectually superior, but it still has the power to captivate.

The speaker suggests that we may not recognize or understand what exactly "it" is, implying that we sometimes overlook our own unique charm or are unaware of the qualities that others adore. This quote encourages us to become more self-aware and introspective about the qualities that make us attractive.


From this quote, we learn the importance of self-reflection and humility. Admitting that we don’t always recognize our own strengths and vulnerabilities promotes a more grounded sense of ourselves. By acknowledging that there is "something" that attracts others, we become less focused on external validation and more embracing of our authentic selves.

We can also learn to appreciate and validate the unique qualities of others. Instead of comparing ourselves to others, we celebrate the distinct strengths that set individuals apart. This fosters a deeper appreciation for diversity and individuality, encouraging mutual respect and understanding.

It Doesn’t Know What It Is (But It’s There)

The final part of the quote hints that this "something" we all possess is not necessarily quantifiable or definable. It may not fit traditional notions of beauty, intelligence, or competence. This ambiguity leaves us intrigued and curious about our true potential.

The phrase "but it’s there" reassures us that our worth and value are not diminished because they cannot be easily explained. Our special gifts and qualities remain even if we don’t fully comprehend their depths. This quote instills an air of mystery and respect for our enigmatic nature, embracing both the known and unknown aspects of who we are.


Ultimately, these quotes remind us that each one of us has a unique treasure hidden deep within. By embracing our mystery, we can tap into the unseen "something" that sets us apart. Whether we recognize it or not, "it" is there, influencing and attracting others to our vibrant inner selves.